On Sunday we went strawberry and olallieberry picking (basically a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry/dewberry.) Seeing that it was toward the end of the season, pickings were slim but still tasty. Ava had a great time looking for the ripe berries and was so proud of carrying around her little berry filled basket.
Afterwards, we headed to a nearby beach. Despite the 60 degree, cloudy, windy weather, Ava had a great time. She had fun burying her Wonder Pets (Linny, Tuck and Ming-Ming) and even built a slide for them. We found a small dead crab and she played with his pincher.
Lastly, we went to Half Moon Bay which is a fishing/surfing spot. While walking on the pier, we saw a seal catch a fish and gobble it down. We also watched people buying freshly caught fish from a fishing boat- black cod and red snapper. It was pretty neat, but I wondered if these people were going to cook a whole fish or scale and de-bone it themselves. Actually, I don't really want to know!
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