Thursday, July 30, 2009

Crabby Thursday

And not the kind we found at the beach the other day! Poor Ava has been feeling under the weather for the past few days. Symptoms are a runny nose and chest cough, but no fever. She keeps saying "What you said?" because she is also having difficulty hearing from what my guess is fluid filled ears. I have been giving her gum to help drain them and although I am not sure if it is doing the trick, she is certainly enjoying it. Her favorite part is swallowing it- probably because I told her not to. I started to tell her that the gum will stay in her stomach for seven years, but then stopped. I can't believe we actually believed that as kids!
No pictures today. Instead, you can imagine her having a temper tantrum in Trader Joes. She threw herself on the floor and started crying so that everyone outside the store could hear her too. She then took her shoes off and threw them at the man standing in front of us. Let's just say that she didn't get to go home with a balloon today.
By the way, Grandma and Grandpa, I bought carrots at Trader Joes and had a few on the way home. Ava saw me eating them out of the bag and she asked me why I didn't wash them first. She remembered that night at your house when you made her rinse them in the sink. All 30 of them!!

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