Big week at camp

This was a busy week for Ava. Camp, swimming, dance, bike riding. Will have to tackle this in multiple posts. First was camp, she went every day from 10am-1pm. The routine is to ride the bike and lock it up. Two of the days were water days so she brought a towel and bathing suit. Every day they eat lunch under a tree. You can see here how proud she is of riding her bike and carrying her lunch box.

Snacks this week: root beer floats, m&m rice krispy treats, popcorn
Activities: hand-print moose painting, music shaker filled with beans, cut-out guitar
Most unusual: came home from camp on Friday with red hair, they sprayed some sort of hair coloring in it, bathwater turned red that night!
Friday was the last day and they brought in a big bouncy house for the kids. She has played in bouncy houses before but this time she seemed to enjoy it more than usual. Thought that maybe she was getting more athletic...

Until Friday night at home when she jumped off a bench in the yard and landed on her ankle. She didn't cry much but claimed that she couldn't walk on Friday night and she had the same story on Saturday morning too. So off to the doctor to have a look. After the co-pay and who knows what special premiums apply to Saturday doctor appts. the exam was no more thorough than Mom, the R.N., had administered at home. No swelling, no redness, nothing wrong. But Ava loved going to the doctor!
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