Ava went to the fish derby in Santa Clara on Saturday morning. The local mens organizations sponsor the event and they fill the fountain in the town plaza with trout. The children then get a chance to try fishing. Ava caught a fish in less than one minute. Sounds like a good event so far. Then it got pretty traumatic for Ava and especially for Mom and Dad. They give you the fish in a plastic bag with some water to take home. Mom and Dad decided that we really didn't want to kill the fish and eat it so we drove to a local river to release it. Ava let it go in the water but then cried and cried. She said that she wanted the fish... that she wanted to eat the fish! We don't know if she really wanted to keep it or eat it, but suspect that she actually may have wanted to eat it. Mom and Dad were quite upset by the whole ordeal and don't know if we will

try fishing again any time soon.
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