Daddy asked her what he should be for Halloween and she said a ghost. Daddy tried making a clown mask instead, but Ava didn't like it and insisted on a ghost costume. As it turned out the ghost costume was a hit and even the other parents liked it.
At every house Ava would say "Knock. Knock. Trick or treat." When they came to the door she would say "I am a smiley face and I am a girl, my daddy is a ghost, and my mom is at home in case other kids come to the house." Probably more information than most people wanted, but it was cute. We did Halloween in two shifts. First was Ava with Daddy and Papa, then the next was Ava with Daddy and Mom. She did get to all 48 houses and got two full bags of candy. She is alredy pretty sure that next year she will be a smiley face again, or a ghost. And Daddy will be a.... ghost!
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