Visited a fish hatchery in NH. The hatchery raised Rainbow trout. They had fish that were tiny little ones to great big trout. There was fish food that Ava threw into the water and the fish rushed to get it. There were hundreds and hundreds of fish in each pond.
Our stay in California has come to an end. We are moving back to Boston on Aug 12th! Mom and Dad decided that after almost three years in California that it was time to go back home to be closer to family. We have enjoyed living here and have been blessed with many good friends and a wonderful school. But there is no place like home!
On Summer vacation in NH we spent an afternoon swimming in the Gale River. Ava liked the rushing water and Sarah liked the water, sand, and rocks. Was fun to spend a few hours on a sand bar in the middle of the river with nobody else around. This is the second year in a row that we have done this.
Or rather the "Michigan" version of it--Michiganopoly. Ava loved playing this and moving around the board and buying things. She could count out money and she also remembered exactly which properties she owned and which ones Dad owned.