Ava slept all through the night and woke up ready to go at 7am. That was pretty good because Mom and Dad thought she was so excited that she might not sleep at all. Ava was amazed that the cookies and carrots were all gone. She knew that Santa Claus had come.
There were three different batches of presents under the tree. Some from Grandma and Grandpa, some from Mimi and Papa, and some from Santa Claus. She loved every gift and was excited about all of them. Ava is a very careful unwrapper, she removes every piece of paper and tape from the package.
Mimi and Papa gave her red "sparkly" shoes (the only thing that she consistently said she wanted) that look like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz (though she has no idea since she has never seen that movie). She wore them to Christmas morning mass. Princess barbie, a couple of cute outfits, and a big bicycle.

Grandma and Gtrandpa gave her two very neat crafts (clay and soap), some nice clothes and hats, and books. They also gave her a subscription to the "Highlights" magazine. This is a children's magazine that has stories and games and pictures. It is in lots of pediatrician's offices. Ava has a few copies and insists upon having them read over and over, so she will enjoy the magazines for the whole year!
The big present from Santa was a complete set of Snow White figures, which Ava calls "guys". She plays with these for hours and hours on end with her dollhouse. Everything from "school" to re-enacting the The Nativity. Finally in her stocking were a few little treats including a "Jasmine" Disney princess and Snoopy stickers.